The CP1413 communication processor allows the TXP operation and monitoring system OM650, the engineering system ES680 and the diagnostic system DS670 to be connected to the plant bus.
The card has the short PC-AT (ISA connector) format and is connected to the Industrial Ethernet bus via AUI interface. The card has a built-in 15V-voltage supply to feed the electrical or optical transceiver via the AUI interface. Several CP1413 modules can be operated side by side in a computer.
AP (STF) Automation Protocol/SINEC Technological Functions: higher protocol functions based on the AP protocol from Siemens (OSI layers 5 through 7, no redundancy functions)
APRED Siemens implementation of the OSI layers 5 through 7 (redundancy protocol, based on the AP protocol)
AS511 SIMATIC S5-specific protocol for remote programming and remote diagnosis of SIMATIC S5 devices
SIMATIC NET Siemens Network Architecture: SIEMENS implementation of the ISO/OSI model for industrial communication